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Records Searches

What types of records search products are available at the NWIC?

  1. A confidential records search is available to individuals who qualify for access to all information at a CHRIS Information Center (Section III, CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual. (PDF))
  2. A non-confidential records search is available to individuals who do not qualify for direct access to confidential information. The NWIC staff conducts the research and the information is presented in one of two formats: checklist or narrative letter.
  3. Records searches that are routinely needed may also be arranged under a memorandum of agreement (MOA) or memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the NWIC and a local, state, or federal government agency, Native American tribe, or other interested parties and organizations.

Complete new CHRIS Access and Use Agreement

As of Friday, March 1, 2013, the CHRIS Information Centers require active Access and Use Agreements for customers requesting confidential records searches. For those requesting non-confidential records searches, requests via an MOA or MOU, or landowner requests, the new Access and Use Agreement is not required.

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